In Model C, ‘strong invariance’, the, performed by testing invariance by the Scaled Difference in Chi-Squares (SDCS) test [, nested models estimated with MLR. An SRMR between .05 and .10 indicates an acceptable fit and values less than .05 indicate good fit [72]. J Psychosom Res. Resources, A revised 31-item model, from which the 4 items (items 15, 19, 28, 30) primarily responsible for lack of invariance across sex and age were deleted, was evaluated. Results indicate that the DBIQ-NL is a reliable and valid instrument for non-clinical, This provides a sound basis for further investigation of the, The term ‘body image’ has been used to describe a variety of, ing perceptions, cognitions, affects, and awareness with regard to the. The design and analysis of clinical experiments. Mia Scheffers, Marijtje A. J. van Duijn, Jooske T. van Busschbach. Is the Subject Area "Psychometrics" applicable to this article? The equal item intercepts hypothesis, implying factorial invariance, however, was not supported for all subscales across sex and age. This model was fit to. Keywords: Neoplasms . A semantic explanation is more plausible than a cultural difference, Based on the fit indices and considering that reallocating one item is an acceptable model, change when an instrument is used in a different cultural setting or language [, model was used for further evaluations. Comparative fit indices in structural models. Actuele themata uit de. Invariance is a prerequisite for individual and group comparisons to reflect true differences [69, 74], not due to systematic differences in interpretation of items due to respondents’ group membership. This report presents a preliminary report on the development, field testing and psy-chometric properties of a new scale, which was designed to address this need. Changes in body image were not related to changes in weight. The three essential changes with respect to Po, model without correlated errors, were expected to lead to a decrease in model fit [, Because each type of index provides different information about model fit [, report a broad range of indices and also included standardized root mean square residual, (SRMR) and Tucker Lewis index (TLI), in addition to the CFI and RMSEA reported, represents the fit of the estimated covariance matrix to the populations covariance matrix [, It is regarded as one of the most informative fit indices due to its sensitivity to the number of, estimated parameters in the model and therefore favouring parsimonious models. Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, School of Human Movement and Education, Zwolle, The Netherlands, Roles The present study on the psychometric properties of the DBIQ in a Dutch non-clinical sample shows a factor structure and model fit that are satisfactory and motivate further study. Results indicate that the DBIQ-NL is a reliable and valid instrument for non-clinical subjects. The subscale physical contact of the BIS comprises of six items with state-, ments like “I enjoy physical contact with other people”. In: Eye Av, Clogg CC, editors. In: Simons J, editor. Since differences in age and sex were found between the somatoform disorder sample and the comparison sample, analyses were done with two samples of 560 patients with somatoform disorder and 351 individuals from the comparison sample matched on proportion of men and women and age. In view of the sufficiently large sample size and focus on, ] study, (1) translation of the items, (2) non-clinical samples, and (3) using a CFA, ]. With regard to gender differences in reported sexual fulfill-, ment it might be hypothesized, based on results from Dutch population surveys [, ual fulfillment is higher in men than in women. Psychiat Res. Invariance across sex in item 15 (“I choose clothing that hides the shape of my body”) could be explained by the fact that for men, in contrast to women, clothing is not a well-known strategy to camouflage less accepted parts of the body [81]. Met veel plezier en trots bieden wij u hierbij het RGOc-jaarverslag 2017 aan. gave a first indication of the clinical usefulness of the scale. Trauma, lichaamsbeleving en seksualiteit [Trauma, body experience and, Abbott BD, Barber BL. The equivalence of the measurement model across sex and age was evaluated. It may be concluded that the DBIQ has potential surplus value in the field of body image since it covers a broad range of body image dimensions and includes important dimensions such as touch and sexuality that are not well represented in other measures of body image. A total sample of 100 women who had. = Body Acceptance; Phys. The Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ) is a self-report questionnaire that was developed to measure concerns about body shape (Cooper et al. In items 19 and 30, differing across sex, being touched by others is the central, issue. The implications of the findings with respect to measurement invariance are further investigated by comparing the original (sub-)scale scores to the adjusted (sub-)scale scores. J Aging Health. Michèle Koleck. 2009; Tiggemann M, Andrew R. Clothing choices, weight, and trait self-objectification. Testing measurement invariance using the confirmatory factor analysis framework., .81. In this adaptation, the item “I like showing my body”, was moved from the subscale body acceptance to the subscale self-aggrandizement. Body Image. Krauss et al. Citation: Scheffers M, van Duijn MAJ, Bosscher RJ, Wiersma D, Schoevers RA, van Busschbach JT (2017) Psychometric properties of the Dresden Body Image Questionnaire: A multiple-group confirmatory factor analysis across sex and age in a Dutch non-clinical sample. Students in two successive courses were encouraged to forward an e-mail with, a link to the questionnaires to individuals in their personal network. To date, the Body Attitude Test is the sole well-researched self-report instrument measuring, measuring body attitude in anorexic women. Int J Eat Disord. In this procedure, fit diagnostics (e.g., modification indices) can assist the researcher to identify specific items that are non-invariant across groups [69]. However, when both factor loadings and intercepts. The Body Cathexis Scale (BCS), here used to establish the association between the total score of the DBIQ with body satisfaction, was originally developed by Secord and Jourard [44] to assess the degree of satisfaction with parts and processes of the body. Marijtje A. J. van Duijn, Ruud J. Bosscher, Durk Wiersma, Robert A. Schoevers. 2010; 32:315–. A psychometric evaluation of the, Orbach I, Mikulincer M. The Body Investment Scale: Construction and validation of a body experience, Lamis DA, Malone PS, Langhinrichsen-Rohling J, Ellis TE. Supervision, I am looking for females aged between 13 to 18 to take part and it will take you approximately 5 minutes to complete. naire and no formal informed consent was necessary. tions to Improve Body Image. We also expected moderate correlations of body, image total score with self-esteem and psychological well-being. The Dresdner Ko, of 35 items, does not cover all aspects that form part of the umbrella term body, focuses on thoughts, beliefs, and conceptual aspects of patient’s body experiences in five differ-, ent domains: body acceptance, sexual fulfillment, the evaluation of physical contact, experi-, enced vitality, and self-aggrandizement, a measure of how the body is actively used in social, interactions to enhance self-esteem. 44 respondents only completed the DBIQ-NL and did not fill in any additional questionnaires. Confirmatory factor analyses showed a structure in accordance with the original scale, where model fit was improved significantly by moving one item to another subscale. Diagnosis-specific profiles emerge, with PTSD being the most affected disorder. Associations between positive body image and indicators of men’s and women’s mental and,, Jarry JL, Berardi K. Characteristics and effectiveness of stand-alone body image treatments: a review,, Woertman L, van den Brink F. Body image and female sexual functioning and behavior: a review. Comfort in touch (subscale of the Body Investment Scale). Fatigue as measured with the CIS may be regarded as, the opposite of vitality. In view of our aim to make an instrument available in Dutch language measuring body image as a multifaceted construct in a non-clinical as well as in a clinical population, future research will have to address a variety of clinical samples. Test and retest. The, . J Clin Psy-. survey among Dutch adults. The Dresdner Körperbildfragebogen (DBIQ, Dresden Body Image Questionnaire) [26, 27] particularly serves this purpose. At the start of treatment, patients scored significantly lower than a healthy comparison sample on body attitude and body satisfaction, but not on body awareness. Background Based on results from a Flemish version of the DBIQ in a students’ sample [34], it might be hypothesized that no gender differences exist with regard to physical contact. In: Cash TF, Pru-, Thiel PP. The DBIQ, consisting of 35 items, does not cover all aspects that form part of the umbrella term body image, but focuses on thoughts, beliefs, and conceptual aspects of patient’s body experiences in five different domains: body acceptance, sexual fulfillment, the evaluation of physical contact, experienced vitality, and self-aggrandizement, a measure of how the body is actively used in social interactions to enhance self-esteem. Its brevity and comprehensibility allow a quick assessment both in clinical and research settings. Priebe S, Rohricht F. Specific body image pathology in acute schizophrenia. In the present study a Cronbach’s α of .78 was found for the subscale ‘comfort in touch’. diabetes. The study provides evidence for medium to strong associations in clinically depressed patients between body attitude, body satisfaction and depression. Scores on the subscale body acceptance (with items 15 and 28 deleted) changed at most 0.04 points. Zwanikken CP. Translation procedure . and older, based on visual inspection (sample 1: ples). Four out of five items relating to patients’ ability to perceive the body had low inter-rater reliability values (ICC < 0.40 or Kappa < 0.20). This sequential model estimation procedure to study measurement invariance is used since lack of strong factorial invariance will contaminate estimates of group mean differences [74]. Davison TE, McCabe MP. Models 2A-2C show measurement invariance tests for sex (2sA-2sC) and age (2aA-2aC) respectively. PLOS ONE promises fair, rigorous peer review, Future studies are needed to separate the effects of treatment and weight loss on body image in obese persons. First, three bilingual translators separately performed a translation. Psychol Bull. assessment of chronic fatigue syndrome. Methods: The main objective of the present study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Dutch translation of the Dresden Body Image Questionnaire (DBIQ-NL) in a non-clinical sample. SPSS 17.00 for Windows was used for general statistical analyses. [76] introduced the concept of partial invariance in which only a subset of parameters in each subscale must be invariant whereas others are allowed to vary between the groups. To assess temporal reliability, 56 respondents of sample 2 completed the DBIQ-NL a second time after 14 days. Body image for women: Conceptualization, assessment, and a test of its, Luzi K, Guaraldi G, Murri R, De Paola M, Orlando G, Squillace N, et al. Associations of body image with self-reported mental health, quality of life and empowerment were moderate to strong. fatigue syndrome and healthy subjects. Item 28 (“If I could change some-. Body Image. Good construct validity was, found with moderate associations with body satisfaction (BCS) as expected since the DBIQ, aims to measure a broad concept of body image whereas in the BCS appearance-related issues, are prominent. However, the effect size for body image was inflated by bias both within and across studies, and was reliable but of small magnitude once corrections for bias were applied. The higher correlations between total score on the DBIQ and body satisfaction, (BCS) for men than for women can possibly be explained by this difference since earlier stud-, ies found that women are likely to give a greater emphasis than men to appearance as part of, OQ-45 and RSES confirm the relation between body image, psychosocial well-being and self-, esteem and its importance when assessing non-clinical samples [, Correlations between the subscales were relatively small, providing support for the multidi-, mensionality of the instrument. This dissertation is a first step to develop these. Correlations, were calculated using the five-factor model identical to the original German version (Model, 1). The Dutch translation of the DBIQ (DBIQ-NL, see S1 Table) was performed by using the parallel blind technique [43]. Muth JL, Cash TF. The equivalence of the measurement model across sex and age was evaluated by multiplegroup confirmatory factor analyses. Gender differences with respect to specific issues such as physical contact and sexual fulfillment, represented by separate subscales in the DBIQ, also were deemed worth investigating. 2008; 15:60–. physical health. Table 2 presents total mean scores and standard deviations in both DBIQ-NL samples as well as means and standard deviations for the questionnaires used for validation. Note: DBIQ-NL = Dresden Body Image Questionnaire, Dutch translation; Difference in Chi-Squares (SDCS) test statistic; Adapted model with item 33 not loading on the factor,, to a non-significant increase in chi square. University of Groningen, Department of Sociology, Groningen, The Netherlands, University of Groningen, University Medical Center, Rob Giel Research Centre, Groningen, The, University of Groningen, University Medical Center, Department of Psychiatry, Researc,, ] and our evaluation of our body in terms of functionality and vitality [, ]. Body Image. J Sex Res. nant of sexual dysfunction in stable HIV-infected women. correlation between the full and reduced sub-scale was .96. Temporal reliability and construct validity were satisfactory. This is in line with recent studies [48, 49] stressing the importance of describing the body in functional terms. We consulted the Medical Ethics Review Committee of VU University about. Note that all (sub-)scale scores are calculated as average scores, which are unweighted and therefore not affected by (changes in) factor loadings. The findings show that interventions engender only small improvements in body image, and underline the need for large-scale, high-quality trials in this area. scale. This restriction leads to a considerable loss of model fit, which may indicate that men and women interpret questionnaire items in different ways. Confirmatory factor analysis for applied research ( 2nd ed). = 0.60) and between the younger and older age group on the subscale self-aggrandizement, = 0.70). They seem to have a disturbed relationship to their body. We also expected moderate correlations of body image total score with self-esteem and psychological well-being. However, there are very few empirical data post-transplant. Mean differences between subgroups are expressed in Cohen’s d and considered large if > .80, moderate between .50 and .79 and small between .20 and .49 [62]. Embodied image: gender differences in functional and aesthetic body image. Both factors correlated with the art therapists’ rating (Spearman’s ρ = −0.53 and ρ = −0.36) but not with DBIQ-35 scales. 2010; 22:55–71. While being aware of new developments in scale analysis by Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling to remedy the overly strict CFA requirements [68, 80], we refrained from applying this method in order to obtain a close comparison between the DBIQ-NL and the original DBIQ by following a similar evaluation procedure. Marilou Bruchon-Schweitzer. The term ‘body image’ has been used to describe a variety of body-related phenomena, including perceptions, cognitions, affects, and awareness with regard to the body [1,2]. Background: Correlations between the subscales varied between, subscales to be small to medium. Twelve change techniques were associated with improvements in body image, and three techniques were contra-indicated. 1989; 105:456–66. In order to gain more insight into this important issue, three domains of body experience - body attitude, body satisfaction and body awareness - and their associations with symptom severity of depression were studied pre- and post-treatment in a clinical sample of depressed patients in a multidisciplinary setting. Gender differences with respect to specific, ]. scores were calculated using the original composition of the German version (Model 1). The aim of this study was to assess psychometric properties of the DBIQ in a non-clinical Dutch sample. The internal consistency in the present study was .87. In general, the study results suggested that the Multidimensional Diabetes Questionnaire represented a tool that was brief and easily administered and can be used for both clinical and research applications to assess the individual differences in the psychosocial adjustment to diabetes. The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) [57], Dutch version [58], is a brief 10-item measure of global self-esteem that evaluates one’s overall feelings of self-worth using a 4-point scale (1 = strongly disagree, 4 = strongly agree). Evaluation of body experience questionnaires in eating disorders, Probst M, Pieters G, Vanderlinden J. Struct. Measurement invariance of the appearance schemas inventory-, Satorra A, Bentler PM. The same holds true for the model fits constraining factor loadings and intercepts, equal across the two age groups: a model fit with only factor loadings constrained (2aB) leads. Furthermore, high correla-, tions are expected between the subscale ‘vitality’ of the DBIQ-NL and fatigue as measured with, the CIS and between the ‘physical contact’ subscale of the DBIQ-NL and the comfort in touch, The factorial structure of the translated version was tested by confirmatory factor analysis, (CFA). The subscale vitality correlated notably lower with the CIS in the younger group than in the older group. The University of Groningen (UG) is ranked on the 83rd place on the Times Higher Education ranking list. Mean scores and mean differences sex and age DBIQ-NL samples and validation measures. vitality (e.g., “I am physically fit”), physical contact (e.g., “I do not like people touching me”), sexual fulfillment (e.g., “I am very satisfied with my sexual experiences“), and self-aggrandize-, ment (e.g., “I use my body to attract attention”, The development of the DBIQ was based on factor analytic evaluation of three German, acceptance .93, vitality .94, physical contact .83, sexual fulfillment .91, and self-aggrandizement, Note: R = scored in the reversed direction. The correlations between the measures that were used for construct validation and the. Several features of the sample, intervention, and methodology moderated intervention effects. gated by comparing the original (sub-)scale scores to the adjusted (sub-)scale scores. Methodology, The Outcome Question-. Testing for the equivalence of factor covariance and mean struc-, Gregorich SE. J Sex, Adapted scale with items removed based upon MGCFA outcomes. The different aspects of relating to a body with symptoms are described. Op deze manier hopen we bomen, tijd en geld uit te sparen. Voorwoord Beste Lezer! by multiplegroup confirmatory factor analyses. The DBIQ consists of 35 items and, five subscales: body acceptance, sexual fulfillment, physical contact, vitality, and self-, aggrandizement. Questionnaires . Although body-related problems are common in patients with somatoform disorder, research focusing on how patients with somatoform disorder perceive and evaluate their body is scarce. Assessment of this complex relation to the body could be of great use in research and clinical practice. The RMSEA (Root Mean Square Error of Approximation), ]. The BIS has adequate psychometric, of the DBIQ. in the BCS to physical contact, a subscale of the Body Investment Scale (BIS), establish the association with the subscale ‘physical contact’ of the DBIQ. The Dresden Body Image Questionnaire (DBIQ) was used to assess body image in five domains: body acceptance, vitality, physical contact, sexual fulfilment, and self-aggrandizement. Yes disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and panic disorder. Yes Corrections to test statistics and standard errors in covariance structure analy-, n B. Factorial validity and cross-validation of the Body Self-Image Questionnaire (Short Form) in young adults. In a non-clinical group, Cronbach’s α was .93 for the original total scale [60] and .92 in the Dutch version [61]. Therefore, the equivalence of the measurement model across sex and age using. The Body Appreciation Scale-2: item refinement and psychometric eval-,, Algars A, Santtila P, Varjonen M, Witting M, Johansson A, Jern P, et al. In our analysis partial invariance was investigated by, ]. Nanotechnology affects many aspects of our lives. a Dutch non-clinical sample. The original scale has 46 items, but most recent studies utilize a 40-item version [45]. This is indeed the case in the present non-clinical sample. The Multidimensional Diabetes Questionnaire represents a scale established in the theoretical framework of the Health Belief Model and the Social Cognitive Theory to provide a comprehensive and specific assessment of the cognitive and social factors linked to, Body image, as measured by the Appearance Evaluation and Body Areas Satisfaction scales of the Multidimensional Body-Self Relations Questionnaire (T.F. acceptance; p = subscale physical contact; s = subscale sexual fulfillment; v = subscale vitality. compares the sample covariance matrix with a null model of uncorrelated latent variables. Yes All correlations were in the expected direction and of medium to large size. = root mean square error of approximation; = standardized root mean square residual; . Eat Weight Disord. Especially the incorporation of physical contact and sexual fulfilment, often reported by patients as problematic topics but rarely included in questionnaires, makes the DBIQ a suitable instrument for the SFD population. ity in the treatment of body image in eating disorders: one year follow-up. Det er gratis at tilmelde sig og byde på jobs. No participatory incentives were offered. term seems to suggest, not only the way we evaluate our appearance is part of our body image, but also our attitude towards bodily experiences in interaction with others, sense of body own-, body image have impact on psychosocial functioning [, with poorer psychological adjustment in non-clinical samples [, body image has also been reported in a broad range of psychiatric disorders [, body image in eating disordered female patients has been extensively researched, associated with negative or disturbed body image. We investigated the subscales' internal consistency and test-retest reliability. Results Nanotechnology affects many aspects of our lives. Writing – review & editing, Roles Join ResearchGate to find the people and research you need to help your work. N = 197 young females (age: M = 29.59, SD = 10.85 years) completed an online survey with the following questionnaires: the Düsseldorf Orthorexia Scale to … We would like to thank Anne Boomsma for his valuable advice on the data analysis. PMID: in female patients (AN/BN) and nonclinical participants. Data were obtained from two samples with a total of 988 (sample 1, n = 761; sample 2, n = 227) respondents between 18 and 65 years old, consisting of 583 (433; 150) women and 403 (326; 77) men (sex was unknown for two respondents). Having a healthy body image is not the same thing as having a healthy body. abuse survivors. A new Form of peer victimization and dissatisfied with their bodies than men [ 33 ] on... Conclusions: the body-relatedness observation scale ( BCS ) correlated r =.60 ( see procedure.... 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